Structure your team with Organizational Management!

Organizational Management in SAP ERP HCM

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Print edition E-book Bundle
473 pages, , Print edition hardcover
ISBN 978-1-4932-1327-6
473 pages,
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-4932-1328-3
473 pages, , Print edition hardcover
E-book formats: EPUB, PDF, online
ISBN 978-1-4932-1329-0
See Organizational Management under the microscope. Master OM basics like structuring objects and relationships, and then use advanced tools like Manager Self-Services, Manager’s Desktop, and the Organization and Staffing interface. Learn about evaluation paths, hierarchy reporting, and how you can strengthen the foundation of your human resources system through integration. Make sure your organizational and reporting structure is up to par!
  • Set up and maintain organizational structures and units in SAP ERP HCM Organizational Management
  • Use OM tools like MSS and MDT, the Organization and Staffing interface, General Structure, and Expert Mode
  • Integrate OM with on-premise SAP ERP HCM and with SAP SuccessFactors

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