Terms of Use for E-Book Products

Terms of Use for E-Book Products


The permanent or temporary transfer of your account information for accessing the “Library” and the digital products available in it is expressly prohibited.

Personal Digital Watermark

Our e-books are shipped with a personal digital watermark, which contains the customer’s name and e-mail address. This watermark identifies the person who is entitled to use the respective copy of a product.

Usage Rights

E-books are protected by copyright. As a user, you agree to acknowledge and respect this copyright.

When buying a digital product (e-book) you do not acquire property. You receive the unlimited rights for personal usage of a digital product, which cannot be transferred.

A temporal limitation exists insofar as we only guarantee the download accessibility of a digital product for a period of 12 (twelve) months after a purchase.

Within this period, you can read the e-book online as often as you like, and download each downloadable format (PDF, EPUB) up to three times.

You are entitled to the personal use of your digital product. You are allowed to print it or copy it to another device; but only for personal use. The transfer of a digital product, a copy of that product, or a printout to third parties is not allowed; neither in full nor in parts. In particular, making the product available for use and/or download over the internet or in corporate networks, lending, resale, or any other commercial use is strictly prohibited.

The copyright notices, digital watermarks, trademarks and other legal representations must not be removed from or altered on a digital product.

Violating the Terms of Use

If we have reason to believe that our digital products or our online offerings are being used in a way prohibited by these terms and conditions, we reserve the rights (among others) to demand proof of purchase from the customer, demand a changing of his/her password, block access to his/her Library, delete the associated customer account, or prohibit the further use of already downloaded digital products.

These Terms of Use are an excerpt of our general Terms and Conditions.

Version May 2018