The authors of »Materials Planning with SAP«

Marc Hoppe

Photo of Marc Hoppe
Marc Hoppe worked as an SAP developer in the areas of logistics and production planning and later as a logistics consultant in national and international SAP R/3 projects. He has been a consultant with SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG since 1998. He is responsible for the business-relevant and IT-based implementation and optimization of SCM processes as well as the re-engineering of entire supply chain processes. In 2001, Marc Hoppe became consulting director for SCM, and since 2003, he has been managing the SRM unit. He provides his consulting services to large companies such as Siemens, Unilever, Gillette, Philips, Deutsche Telekom,and Philip Morris, as well as to medium-sized companies such as G+H Isover or Fertiva,and has published numerous specialist publications on inventory optimization.

Ferenc Gulyássy

Photo of Ferenc Gulyássy
Ferenc Gulyássy has worked as an SCM consultant at SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG since completing his degree in business administration and economics at the University of Cologne in Germany. The focus of his work is capacity-based project and production planning. Within the framework of PS, PP, PP/DS,and CTM components and functions, he has implemented a wide range of projects for large companies such as Siemens, Bosch, and GEA, and medium-sized businesses such as Metabo and Samas. His activities in addition to implementing SAP systems include optimizing system settings to improve processes. Based on these experiences, he played a significant role in the specialist design of the SAP Consulting add-on tools for optimizing MRP settings.

Martin Isermann

Photo of Martin Isermann
Martin Isermann works as an SCM consultant for SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG. His consulting activities are focused on materials planning and production planning with SAP ERP and SAP SCM (SAP APO). He has worked in this area on a large number of international projects for companies such as Siemens, Daimler, and the Schaeffler Group. In the area of process consulting, he has also managed several inventory and materials planning optimization projects for medium-sized customers, including the SHT Group, Samas, and KHS AG.

He graduated with a degree in industrial engineering as part of a dual-mode degree program in combination with the German FH Nordakademie university and Airbus Deutschland GmbH, with work and study placements in Hamburg, Germany; Toulouse, France; and at the University of Nottingham, England. He later qualified as a Master of Science in industrial and systems engineering on a U.S. Fulbright scholarship at the University of Florida, USA.

Oliver Köhler

Photo of Oliver Köhler
Oliver Köhler has worked as a logistics consultant and developer at SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG since he graduated with a degree in business data processing (from the BA Dresden university in Germany) and a degree in information and communication technology (from the Hogeschool Zeeland university in the Netherlands). His work is concentrated on implementing SAP planning systems in SAP ERP and SAP APO environments. He has implemented a large amount of projects for companies such as Daimler, ThyssenKrupp, CLAAS, Sartorius, and Almatis within the scope of DP, SPP, SNP, BW, and MM and SOP modules and functions. As well as implementing SAP systems, he is also responsible for optimizing processes and system settings in the areas of planning and materials planning.
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